Change Tools Personal Antecedents for Resiliency
People with these characteristics are more likely to have high levels of resiliency. This is a powerful change-tool.
Conflict Tools Conflict tends to follow a cycle. Use this conflict tool to find out where your team is in the five part cycle.
Decision Making How do you make decisions?
Action Wheel Leadership, Inc. has developed a framework for thinking about the values, preferences, and dispositions that drive individual and group decision-making. This assessment instrument is called View to Values (VTV).
Develop Leadership Self Assessment Tool
These personal characteristics, traits, and innate abilities are attributes thought to be associated with leaders and leadership. Research has linked them to leadership success. To develop-leadership focus upon building these characteristics.
Diversity Leadership Leader Self-Reflection Leadership Tool
Following is a list of some differing cultural values. There is no right or wrong answer; they are statements where we would expect answers to reflect the diversity of responses from strongly disagree to strongly agree.
Ethics Tools What Are Characteristics of Ethical Leaders?
It is essential that leaders include an assessment of ethics - the qualities and impacts of their actions on others. Ethics-tools can help.
Team Tools What makes a successful team?
Key Aspects of Teams
• Member Satisfaction – how satisfied am I about our team?
• Task Accomplishment – how is our team doing accomplishing tasks?
• Team/Group Maintenance – to what extent are we sustaining the team?
Team Assessment How is my team doing now?
This team-assessment leadership tool is for teams to improve their productivity and interpersonal relationships by assessing the strengths and challenges of the group.
Cultural Communication Assessment Cultural-Communication Concepts
Check out this online-leadership-tool to identify common sources of cultural-communication tensions. Take the intercultural communication assessment alone or with your team. This will provide an excellent start to your discussion about what makes for good communication within your team.
Ethics Assessment Overview of Five Integrity Indicators
Ethical issues and integrity questions are common within organizations - yet, often they are under analyzed and discussed within organizational development. Five main areas are important for organizational integrity and strong ethical foundations.
Trustworthy Source of Facilitation, Training, Strategic Planning
Donna Rae Scheffert
809 Mayflower Ct.
Northfield, MN 55057
Let me assist you and your organization. Call me at 612.360.4484